Kia ora!

I’m Siobhán O’Connor (Sib), a part-human/part-mermaid who grew up in gumboots and togs on the wild West Coast of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Te Waipounamu (South Island).

The unstoppable flow of the Kawatiri Awa and rugged kiss of the Pacific Ocean sparked an affinity for the life and species around me, and I’ve been passionately immersed in their presence ever since.

‘What Sib Seas’ was born when I took my first breath underwater. I was fortunate in experiencing this weird and wonderful world below and wanted to share its awe with those around me. After a year exploring in Aotearoa and beyond, I jumped head first into a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and Environmental Studies at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. I’ve been hooked on creative science communication ever since.

I’ve been taste-testing all things purposeful and expanding my experience and passions well beyond the depths of the ocean. Some highlights include; capturing photographs in South Georgia subantarctic island, co-founding FENWICK to establish youth advisory boards for organisations, joining an international research team conducting oceanic research in the South Pacific Ocean, studying the waters of Mo’orea in French Polynesia, working directly for New Zealand’s Secretary for the Environment, educating and inspiring primary school students about climate change, and representing Aotearoa on the global World Ocean Day Advisory Council.

I eagerly dip my toes into a number of projects and organisations that inspire me, a more equitable future, and this eclectic journey,

My family shape the person I am today and it is to them I owe all of my endeavours. With four sisters and a fearless Mum I’m constantly inspired by formidable women. Political nous runs deep in my family’s history and has provided me incredible foundational knowledge of the machinery of government, high-stakes decision making, and systemic change. I’m committed to using these learnings to help bridge the gaps between emerging change makers and current decision makers. I am consistently reminded that we are responsible for thinking and acting beyond privilege, comfort, and individual success.

Signing off this intro with immense gratitude for the incredible people in my life, opportunities I’ve had, and lessons I’ve learnt.

-Sib x